- 16 hrs to Santiago, Chile (with stop over in Auckland)
- 4 hrs to Lima, Peru
- 1.5 hrs to Trujillo, Peru
If you would like further details of the flights and aircrafts (i.e. flight times, plane type, plane registration, most comfortable seats, etc) - please contact Kieran a.k.a fountain of knowledge for all aircraft and flight path related knowledge (he is royalty in plane spotter circles).
In other news, I and other local Solomon Islanders, celebrated Solomon Islands' 33rd Independence Day today - although the official Independence day is the 7th July.In case you aren't sure how to celebrate, don't worry, sit back and enjoy the video below. It features dancers from the Isabel province - and a comedian in the front :)
NB: ignore the 'zulu dancers' thing - very sure they aren't zulu
Tomorrow will be incredibly exciting and exhausting, so I'd better finish my Guiness and hop off to bed.Hasta luego!
hahahahaha... Thankyou for the honorable mention.. Appreciated!! Hope LAN treated you royally on their A340-300!!