Christmas in Peru is very strange. Even stranger because we´re in a children´s shelter. Lots of groups came with presents, paneton, chocolatada (most delicious-est chocolate drink ever) and entertainment. This is all strange because Christmas lasts a whole month and the entertainment involves clowns and other things you wouldn´t normally associate with Christmas but hey, if its free, whos going to complain?
Clowns on stilts... |
angel clown... |
Dr clowns... |
and a strong man clown. |
Fernando fell for the heavy weights trick |
Edwin was lead angel in his school's Christmas play! |
I had my first overnight house covering over Christmas night boxing day morning. Thankfully I wasn´t in the house during Christmas day, Stephanie (very bravely) did that with the two new short termers Emily and Tiffany from good ol´ En Zed. That experience really made me appreciate the people I work with here. Emily and Tif helped with bathtime and dinner and Bryson came down to help put them to bed and wake them up twice during the night for pee time. Still, ´challenging´ would be the best way to explain the night. The cook was ill so we had to make do with Paneton and sugary tea for dinner.
Anyway three highlights of the night;
1. Edwin was getting out of the shower butt naked and dripping wet and tries to walk through the casita to his room. I stand in his way to get him to dry off before going to his room, to avoid slippery floors. He responded by blowing a whistle right in my face, no idea where he got the whistle. Then when I try to get it off him, he sticks it between his butt cheeks so I can´t get it. I start to walk away so that he doesn´t see me laughing (because I have my "I´m not playing games" face on) and he pulls it out of his butt, puts it in his mouth and starts blowing it again!
2. Waking up kids to pee is hilarious! They are so out of it! I didn´t know it was possible to sleep that deeply, it was as though they were sleep walking. I had to wake up a couple who had fallen asleep again standing up, leaning against the toilet stall wall.
3. Alejandro woke up crazy early at 5:45am shouting for me. So I went and got him and put him to bed again next to me. Thankfully he went back to sleep. Alejo has a breathing problem, so when he sleeps he sounds like the cross between a cat purring and a warthog snorting. Its kind of soothing, so I went back to sleep too.
Big thanks to Stephanie, Bryson, Emily and Tiffany. I´m sure my job wasn´t the hardest but I was struggling and they made it all bearable.
Jhon sleeping in his gloves... |
and this was the position Steph found him sleeping in the morning. Still wearing his gloves. |
We said goodbye to three kids on Friday. Eduardo, Camila and Christina pequeña left to live with their grandparents. It was happy and sad to see them go. To be honest, I only spent time with Christina. She was in my tutoría back when I had the year 1 kids. My favourite memory of her was when I asked her to tell me a joke. I didn´t understand half of it and I´m pretty sure she accidently gave away the punchline but it was hilarious because she acted it all out. She was an elephant that had stepped on something...I think. Oh and try annoying her and she´ll throw you this look that so seriously says "No. Stop that now. You´re not funny". I wish I´d go that look in a photo. Classic Christina pequeña.
Christina pequeña and Camila leaving |
Eduardo leaving with his sisters and grandparents |
I´ve been learning a lot about American culture lately. Actually, I think I´ve learnt more about the US than about Peru. Bryson´s home team, the Denver Broncos, had bee doing quite well, up until the last two weeks. So I´ve been hearing a lot and learning a lot about NFL. And maybe Tim Tebow has a little to do with my sudden interest...maybe. Besides lessons in NFL, I´ve learnt a lot about their food and attitudes to food. For example theres ketchup, and then theres
real ketchup. Coffee and
real coffee. Don´t ask me what the difference is. And, say for example, I had made an amazing meal, nothing but perfection and I let one of my American friends taste it, I expect their response to be;
"Oh wow, thats so good! But you know what would make it great? Add some cheese/ peanut butter/ bacon to that". Everytime, without fail.
But besides their poor taste in food, their general attitude and personality has made me really want to visit the US. Something I have never had the urge to do. I had figured, if I wanted to experience the US, I´d turn the tv on. And maybe Tim Tebow has a little something to do with my wanting to visit...maybe.
Seriously guys, google Tim Tebow.
NFL lesson...thats Tim Tebow the quarter back hes pointing at |
Me and my lucky charms yum yum |
So New Years Eve was celebrated with burning dolls at the orphanage. In Peru they burn scarecrow things wearing old clothes. This represents getting rid of the old to bring in the new. We also had some fun with the fireworks, which we picked up on the way back from dinner. Buying fireworks just off the street is a thrill in itself!
The kids also got to go on camp this week. A group from the US came down and hosted the camp at the nearby Laguna resort. The highlight for all the kids I suspect was the pool. It is getting so hot down here!
Abel, lovin` it |
Edwin running from Steph whos trying to fix his undies |
Sofia and Christina enjoying the pool |
Jose Luìs not enjoying the pool |
I was completely surprised when Josè Luìs agreed to get in the pool but I didn`t question it incase he changed his mind. I put him on the edge of the pool and while I was sitting down next to him he jumps right in! I fished him out straight away but he was already upset haha. We stayed in for another 5 minutes, Edwin and I tried our best to get him to enjoy it but no luck.
Finally a picture of Jhon smiling!!! |
Edwin, very proud of his palm tree |