Monday, 1 August 2011

Group hug

I made it 2.5 weeks without getting sick! I consider that an achievement. Was hit with a cold and gastro on Thursday - such a pleasant combination. The gastro is gone but the cold is lingering.
In happier news, an Australian missionary visited the orphanage on Thursday. It was such a pick-me-up to be speaking real English again! I don't quite remember the details, but shes from Croydon and shes been living here in Trujillo with her family for about 3 or 4 years. I'll definitely be keeping in touch with her.
Found out this week which children are currently in the process of being adopted. I'm really pleased that they'll have all the opportunities that come with an overseas adoption but at the same time I'm already feeling  upset. That's just my selfishness talking though. 
Its been a crazy fun week with the Tim Brooks group. They left yesterday afternoon for Lima. I knew they'd achieve a lot but the end result still blows my mind. Kinder room cleaned a reorganised, orchard weeded and fertilized, security cameras put up, wireless access in the school, parental controls in the library, an excursion for everyone at the orphanage, health education classes, lice treatments and vacation bible school each afternoon. This is all as well as all the gifts they got the kids and volunteers - the new desktop in particular was a huge blessing to the volunteers!

Museo Cao

Isabel dressed as a Bruja (witch)

Feeding the masses at Rokys

The group always had energy spare to play with the kids

Day trip to Huanchaco

The group! (most of them anyway)

Lice treatment night

Happy little lice-free girls

Farewell assembly for the group with the kids

Final farewells
Big Thankyou to the Tim Brooks group for all the time, effort and energy they spent on the orphanage! Very much appreciated.